Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Booster Box

Regular price $450.00 1 in stock
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    Set: Sword & Shield: Base Set Sealed
    Release Date: 2020-02-07
    Start a New Journey & Meet New Pokémon V!

    Welcome to the Galar region! Meet more than a dozen powerful new Pokémon V, including the Legendary Zacian and Zamazenta—and some, like Stonjourner and Snorlax, that can evolve into enormous Pokémon VMAX for even more power! You'll also find first partners Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble, little cuties like Wooloo and Yamper, and a handful of familiar Pokémon in their new Galarian forms. Catch up with a new generation in the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield expansion!

    Each Booster Box contains 36 Pokémon Booster Packs
    • Each Booster Pack contains 10 cards and 1 basic Energy.

    Cards vary by pack. Booster pack packaging varies by product.

    - $450.00

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